Friday, May 22, 2009

RING RING... Where did I put this cell???

I'm sure you know this situation... The phone ring and you are going all over your hang bag just to pull it out when the person hang up... ARRRRRR... So upsetting!!!

For a long time I was planning to make my self a holder to my new blackberry (well, it's not that new any more ;-)), and yesterday finally I set down and made it!

I really happy with the way it came out and happy with it!

Hope you'll like it too... 

I took the pic when the holder is outside but I put it inside the purse... 

A close up on the front with a heart patch

A close up on the back side... and to be honest this was suppose to be the front side but by mistake I attached the strap so I had to come with a solution and here we go.... the front turn to the back and the back got some TLC to become the front... 

And here is the heart patch... 

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